A recognized and efficient laboratory, in relation with the research.

The LERES offers a wide range of analysis of parameters of the environmental media quality (water, air, solid media including dust).
Specifically, more than 900 analyses or measures are available (list on request) on water effluents, air, sludge, sediment, and dust… in order to answer the needs particular, industrial, local authority or public organisms.

See our catalogue “water” (pdf, 379 ko)

See our catalogue ‘Indoor environment’ (pdf, 386 ko)

In 2009, the LERES has produced more than 250 000 analysis results, corresponding to close to 25 000 samples.

The LERES is located on the EHESP site at the Northwest of Rennes. Within a surface of over 1000 m², it has available important analytical equipments (UPLC/MS/MS, GC/MS/MS /, ICP/MS, PCR, etc) and implements procedures to ensure a quality of the results of measurements. It is certified COFRAC since 2000 (n°1-1951 available on the website of COFRAC accreditation and approved by the Ministries of health and of the Environment.

The LERES employs highly skilled personal for managing and the implementation of analytical services (doctors, engineers, technicians analysts and sampling), carried out in one of the 4 production poles (Extra-Tox, MET, microbiology and Biodiagnostics).

In addition, a 4 people surveillance team (manager, chemical, micropollutants and microbiology technicians) is able to intervene if needed 24 h on 24 h for the realization of sampling and analysis.

Finally, LERES performs analyses and measures for external customers, including laboratories, but also for research projects to which the LERES researchers are associated. In 2009 around one third of the samples and analyses related to research projects.